
Follow these simple steps to get your MadStats installation up and running in a matter of minutes!

If you're having trouble installing, ensure you meet the requirements at the getting started page.

Step 1: Download

Download the latest version from the download page and extract the archive to somewhere on your local disk.

Step 2: Configure

Go into the 'config' directory and locate the 'server_settings_1.txt' file*. Open it and edit the parameters to your needs. The file contains these parameters:

Source Dedicated Server settings
SRCDS_HOST The hostname or ip address of the Source server, usually the same as the address players connect to
SRCDS_PORT The port of the Source server, by default this is 27015
SRCDS_GAME The game running at the Source server, only Counter-Strike Source is supported at the moment, indicated as 'cstrike'
SRCDS_PATH The path to the srcds installation directory, this could be /home/srcds/orangebox/cstrike for example
Connection settings
CONNECTION_METHOD The type of connection to use when accessing the server files, use 'local' for a setup where the srcds and the webserver are on the same machine, 'ftp' for accessing the srcds over FTP
FTP settings, only fill these out when the used connection method is ftp
FTP_HOST The hostname or ip address of the ftp server
FTP_PORT The port of the ftp server, this is usually 21
FTP_USERNAME The username to use when accessing the server
FTP_PASSWORD The password to use when accessing the server
MadStats settings
TEMPLATE The default template to use
CACHE_TIME The time in minutes before any cached data is being deleted. A higher cache time will decrease the load on both the srcds and the webserver, while a lower cache time will ensure more accurate statistics.

Step 3: Upload

After you've configured the installation by editting the server_settings.txt file, you can upload all the folders to you webroot. As soon as the upload is complete, you should be able to access it.

* You can specify multiple servers by adding server_settings_x files like server_settings_2.txt, server_settings_3.txt, etc.

Next: Usage

Creative Commons License
MadStats by Marco van den Oever is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.